Securing your garage is a critical step in protecting your home and belongings. A garage door lock adds an extra layer of security to your garage, preventing potential break-ins and giving you peace of mind. With so many options on the market, selecting the right garage lock can be tough. Don’t worry, we made this tutorial to help you handle this problem and comprehend the many varieties. In this tutorial, we will look at the numerous types of garage door locks that are available as well as the aspects to consider when choosing a lock for your garage.

Overview of Different Types of Garage Door Locks

Garage door locks can be divided into four main categories: keyed locks, electronic locks, automatic locks, and smart locks. Each type of lock has its own unique features and benefits, and choosing the right one depends on your specific needs, budget, and security requirements.

Keyed Locks

Keyed locks are the most traditional type of garage door lock available on the market. These are available in three main varieties;  padlocks, deadbolts, and handle locks.

1. Padlocks

Padlocks are a basic type of keyed lock that comes in a variety of sizes and designs. Padlocks are easy to set up and can be used with either a conventional key or a combination lock. Padlocks are a simple and low-cost solution to secure your garage door, but they may not provide the level of security you need, especially for large doors.

2. Deadbolt Locks

The deadbolt lock is another type of keyed lock that is commonly used on garage doors. Deadbolts are more secure than padlocks and are available in a range of styles, such as keyed and combination locks. They are also simple to install, albeit specialist installation may be required to ensure the correct installation of the lock.

3. Handle Locks

Handle locks are designed to be used with a handle on the garage door. They are a popular option for garage doors that have a handle that can be locked, and they are easy to install. Handle locks are simple to use and are a great option for those who want a quick and easy way to secure their garage door.

Electronic Garage Door Locks

Electronic locks are a more sophisticated type of lock that use electronics to lock and unlock the door. There are three main types of electronic locks. These are keypad locks, smart locks, and key fob locks.

1. Keypad Locks

Keypad locks are electronic locks that use a keypad to open (unlock) the door. These locks are a good option for those who want a convenient and secure way to access their garage. Keypad locks are easy to install and are available in a range of styles and sizes. 

Keyed Locks

2. Smart Locks

Smart locks are those that can be operated with a smartphone or another device. These locks are ideal for people who want to lock and unlock their garage door from any location (without using a key or keypad). Smart locks are often more expensive than other types of electronic locks, but they provide increased security and convenience.

3. Key Fob Locks

Key fob locks are electronic locks that use a key fob to unlock the door. They are a convenient option for those who want to be able to lock and unlock their garage door quickly and easily. 

Automatic Locks

As the name suggests, Automatic locks are a type of lock that automatically locks and unlocks the garage door. Like Electronic locks, they are known for their convenience and usability. These locks come into 3 categories. 

  • Automatic deadbolts 
  • Automatic lock cylinders
  • Automatic handle locks.

1. Automatic Deadbolts

Automatic deadbolt locks are a type of automatic lock that automatically locks the door when it closes and unlock it when it opens. These locks are an excellent choice for those who prioritize security and convenience. Elocksys Garage door deadbolt is such an example of an Automatic Deadbolt lock. 

Elocksys Garage Door Deadbolt Lock

Elocksys Garage Door Deadbolt Lock

One of the most prominent features of the Elocksys deadbolt lock is its autonomous operation. At the touch of a remote button (Which comes with the lock), this deadbolt locks and unlocks in unison with your garage door. This eliminates the need to lock and unlock the garage door each time it is used.

2. Automatic Lock Cylinders

Automatic lock cylinders are a type of automatic lock that locks and unlocks the garage door by turning a cylinder or key. When the correct key is inserted and turned, the lock mechanism operates to lock or unlock the door. They are typically used in combination with a handle or deadbolt to provide added security.

3. Automatic Handle Locks

Automatic handle locks for garage doors are a type of lock that automatically locks the door when the handle is engaged. They are designed specifically for use on garage doors and offer a convenient and secure way to protect the contents of your garage.


Which garage door lock is the most secure?

The most secure form of garage door lock is determined by your specific needs and security considerations. Keyed locks, such as deadbolts, are more secure than padlocks, but electronic locks, such as smart locks, can provide a better level of security and convenience. Automatic Deadbolt locks are also a great option. 

Can electronic locks be compromised?

While electronic locks are subject to hacking, the danger can be reduced by using strong passwords, routinely upgrading software, and purchasing locks from trustworthy manufacturers. Additional security features, such as two-factor authentication, can be added to smart locks to assist guard against hackers.

Can I secure my garage door with a padlock?

Yes, you can install a padlock on your garage door, but it may not give the necessary amount of security. Padlocks are an easy and inexpensive way to secure your garage door, but they are not as secure as other types of locks, such as deadbolts or smart locks.

What exactly is the distinction between a smart lock and a key fob lock?

A smart lock is an electronic lock that may be operated by a smartphone or other device. A key fob lock is an electronic lock that unlocks the door using a key fob. Smart locks provide greater security and convenience than key fob locks, but they may be more expensive.

Can automatic locks be set to lock and unlock at predetermined times?

Yes, you can program many automated locks to lock and open at certain times, such as when you leave for work and come home. This function is useful for people who wish to make sure their garage door is always locked or unlocked at particular times.

Do I need a professional to install my garage door lock?

The need for professional installation depends on the type of lock you choose and your level of expertise. Keyed locks, such as padlocks or deadbolts, can usually be installed by the homeowner, while electronic locks, such as smart locks, may require professional installation to ensure proper functionality. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions or consult a professional if you are unsure.

What to Consider When Choosing a Garage Door Lock

There are a lot of factors that you need to consider while selecting a garage door lock. The level of security, type of garage door you have, ease of installation, and budget are the most important ones.  You should also consider whether you want a traditional keyed lock, an electronic lock, an automatic lock, or a smart lock. Additionally, consider the type of lock that is most compatible with your current door and locking system.

Selecting the right garage door lock is an important decision that can help keep your garage and belongings safe. Consider the different types of locks available and what factors are most important to you, such as security, ease of use, and cost, to choose the best lock for your garage.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Garage door locks can be divided into four main categories: keyed locks, electronic locks, automatic locks, and smart locks.
  • Keyed locks come in three varieties: padlocks, deadbolts, and handle locks.
  • Electronic locks use electronic principles to lock and unlock the door and include keypad locks, smart locks, and key fob locks.
  • Automatic locks automatically lock and unlock the door and include automatic deadbolts, automatic lock cylinders, and automatic handle locks.
  • The most secure type of garage door lock depends on security requirements, but electronic locks can offer a higher level of security and convenience compared to keyed locks.
  • Electronic locks can be vulnerable to hacking but the risk can be mitigated by using strong passwords, regular software updates, and locks from reputable manufacturers.

Read More on Garage Door Locks and Security:

Can Thieves Open Your Garage Door

Garage Door Defender